provides real time Vertcoin price charts, daily statistics and historical data which is updated once every minute.
Vertcoin is usually traded against a number of fiat currencies as well as a huge number of cryptocurrencies all around the world. There are a number of different exchanges that list Vertcoin on their trading platforms and the price of Vertcoin across all platforms varies depending on the source of the feed data.
Nevertheless, although the Vertcoin price on the different trading platforms vary, the price range is relatively the same. Most Vertcoin prices only vary by a few decimal points. For example, a platform like may have the price of Vertcoin verses US Dollar (VTC/USD) as $4.72 USD while another platform like will be selling Vertcoin it at $4.70905925 USD.
Vertcoin is usually listed as VTC in almost all the trading platforms. Therefore, you will get VTC listed against other currencies, e.g. VTC/USD (Vertcoin vs USD dollar), VTC/ETH (Vertcoin vs Ethereum cryptocurrency), VTC/BTC (Vertcoin vs Bitcoin cryptocurrency) etc.
Just like in any financial market, there is always a spread no matter how small it may be. Therefore the prices at which you will buy Vertcoin, is different from the price at which you will sell it. The buying price is always higher than the selling price. That is why it is always difficult to buy and sell an asset immediately in the financial markets; you will have to give it some time, even if it is 5 seconds for the prices to have changed.
At, you have access to Vertcoin price indexes which will allow you to get an average of the prices from various popular trading platforms worldwide.
The historical charts as well as the price tickers that we offer are aimed at helping our users analyse price movements so that they can make correct price forecast as they trade. We also provide the Vertcoin Market Cap, which is the value of the total Vertcoin in circulation, at the current time.
Vertcoin was developed by a voluntary community funded purely by donations. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning it is not controlled by a central government or financial institution like all other fiat economies are. Its blockchain is similar to that of Bitcoin but with a number of additional features such as Stealth Address technology and Proof-of-Work (PoW) which is ASIC resistant.
Contrary to some cryptocurrencies like Dash, that require the use of sophisticated mining hardware, Vertcoin is easily mined by anyone. By using PoW technology, which is ASIC resistant, Vertcoin’s mining isn’t centralized but rather decentralized.
You don’t have to have a great technical understanding of Vertcoin’s ecosystem to get started. You first need to install a Vertcoin wallet, which is available on Vertcoin’s official website, on your computer or smartphone. Once the installation is complete, the wallet will automatically generate your first addresses which you can disclose to your peers for exchange. Any other addresses can easily be generated whenever required.
In the Vertcoin network, rewards are made to addresses which are centred on digital signatures. The addresses are strings of 26 to 36 alphanumeric (characters and letters), which always start with the letter V.
Usually, Vertcoin transactions take a maximum of five minutes to clear. Also, there is usually a small maintenance fee, which is charged in addition to the transaction amount. For example, when you transfer 1000 VTC, you would be required to pay a total fee of 0.001VTC. Therefore, the transaction fee plus the maintenance fee is very low.
To get a Vertcoin wallet, simply visit Vertcoin’s official website and download any of the wallets to your chosen device; There are currently options for Mac, Windows and Linux users, with the option of a web based wallet and Electrum based wallet also. After downloading the wallet, you can then go ahead to use it on the trading platform of your choice.
Before starting to mine Vertcoin, you have to ensure that you get an address where you will send the coins after mining them. Your first address is automatically generated after downloading the Vertcoins wallet. For subsequent mining, you can always easily generate more addresses in your wallet. With the address generated, you can now go ahead and mine directly into your wallet address.
Vertcoin mining is decentralized and transactions are verified using Proof-of-Work. PoW allows you to use the computing power of your PC to authenticate any transactions that you carry out on the network. After completing the mining process, you are rewarded a percentage of a block (usually shared by other miners also) since you have helped in adding more Vertcoin’s to the market.
Also, Vertcoin mining doesn’t require mutlipool mining. The transactions are usually validated by a distributed network of users. This eliminates the pressure that arises from having a large pool of miners flood the market with newly mined tokens.
As a commitment, the developers of Vertcoin would want the cryptocurrency to be always easily mined using the client’s computer without the need to include any other hardware or the services of large cloud mining contracts. The Vertcoin developers have developed the “One Click Miner” which will allow anyone to mine Vertcoin from a standard Windows machine. Although it is perfectly possible and more favourable to mine Vertcoin using a mining rig with high GPU or CPU power, currently only nVidia cards are supported with an AMD miner currently being developed.
The easiest way to buy Vertcoin is to first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using fiat money. You can purchase either of the two from Coinbase or many other exchanges for that matter, using bank wire, credit card or debit card.
After purchasing the Bitcoin or Ethereum, you should then send them over to a trading platform like Bittylicious or Litebit where you can exchange your Bitcoin or Ethereum for Vertcoin. The amount of Vertcoins that you will receive depend on the Vertcoin price at that moment.
Once you exchange and acquire your Vertcoin, you can now withdraw the VTC into your Vertcoin wallet.
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