46.075227904307 1.46%
 0.67263023700756 24 Hour Change
51.181450232716 24 Hour High
39.774747212156 24 Hour Low
16,035,753 24 Hour Volume
3,279,655,977 Market Cap


The base currency is Vertcoin/VTC and the converted currency is Bitshares/BTS. The VTC/BTS market cap is 3,279,655,977, the 24 hour trading volume for Vertcoin is 16,035,753, the 24 hour high is 51.18 and the 24 hour high low is 39.77/BTS is -0.67 and VTC/BTS is now -1.46% since yesterday's price. The current price of VTC/BTS is 46.08.

Vertcoin Price Chart (VTC/BTS)